
Chet Gresham and Patrick Culliton


Read my thoughts. I think
and my heart near-
ly stops. These things I
must not forget.
I do not know
how. But this is how.

--Chet Gresham

Elaine, in some other room,

dips her pen into
the well & starts
to me quietly
a letter. Sounds
bronze a little
& then sheets mostly.

--Patrick Culliton


A crown of 27s by Tony Trigilio

Jack Ruby

I am weak in what
truth I want to
tell about and what
is the truth. I
can speak the truth.
I’m not a crackpot.

I’m not a crackpot.
I turn around
and show you tons of
telegrams taped
to my cell wall.
I can speak the truth.

I can’t speak the truth
here. Get me to
Washington. Am I
boring you? Chief
Justice Warren,
am I off the beam?

Am I off the beam?
The kind of man
who beats his horses?
Dancers click their
heels! I bore you.
Where’s my polygraph?

Where’s my polygraph?
I’m telling you:
I’m a martyr or
a screwball! I
shot him myself.
I felt deputized.

I felt deputized,
acted like a
newsman. Get me to
Washington. Let’s
do business, boys.
The drinks are on me.

--Tony Trigilio asked me about the idea of a crown of 27s. I am, of course, elated with this. Thinking about one of my own now. Cheers!


Two by Russell Jaffe. One by Daniela Olszewska.


In the filing room
I help build the
evil empire.
But I have dreams,
files high hopes:
florecent light stars.


The pizza is not
healthy for you.
I don't care at all.
I eat it and
I shout at the
people walking by!

--Russell Jaffe


I have a little
loop hanging white
around my deer neck.
Around my lace
It's a pull pleaser.

--Daniela Olszewska


Small things of great beauty.

Response to my call for submissions has been very encouraging. I've received some very interesting poems--and lovely things are happening inside this little constraint. Thank you all so much.

I'm now in the process of deciding tomorrow's post. I plan on publishing several poems on Fridays for now, because that's when I feel most inclined to slack at work. It may become a poem-a-day page before long...if I can get my act together.



The First Batch: two 27s that rhyme and one that doesn't. Becca Klaver, David Trinidad and me.

Table for One

When's the last time you
took yourself out
to dinner? Just you
and some sea trout
and so goddamn
much to talk about.

--Becca Klaver

Nursery Rhyme

on a stack of what
I guess Bibles
for the love of who
I guess Jesus
Confucious says
but doesn't mean it.

--Andy Trebing


Barbara Perkins,
Patty Duke, Lee
Grant, Tony Scotti,
Martin Milner,
Sharon Tate, Paul
Burke, Susan Hayward.

--David Trinidad